Monday, 20 February 2012

Reprogramming The Brain To Succeed

Let me start by describing the two key areas of your brain - the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the one responible for daily thoughts and tasks. You may think it is the part of the brain behind the steering wheel, but surpisingly it isn't a great multi-tasker. It's your subconscious mind that runs most of your life as if it were on auto pilot. The first time we perform a simple task the conscious mind takes has to learn it. Once we can do that task, the subconscious takes care of it from then on. To put it simply, the subconscious learns whatever it is fed by the conscious mind. It also learns to associate things that happen in close proximity to each other, such as the need to get out of bed when we hear an alarm clock, or to feel a certain emotion when something happens.
So if we can feed suggestions to the subconscious then we become a product of our thinking. Negative people program themselves to be that way. To achieve confidence, self esteem and the will to achieve our dreams we must start to reprogramming our brains. Here are 3 simple steps to start you in the right direction.
1. Replace negative statements with positive ones.
For example, don't say "I lack confidence." Say, "I'm a very confident person." Now, in case you're thinking that's obvious and you've tried it, may I point out that there's a right way and a wrong way of doing this. The wrong way is to say it, but not believe it. The subconscious isn't fooled by this. The right way involves finding your inner voice - the one that your subconscious believes.
2. State affirmations in the positive.
This is not quite the same as the first point. For example, saying "I used to be worse at this", may seem positive, but it feeds negative words like "worse" to the brain. Instead say, "I've become really good at this".
"What you practise, you become"
3. Use your body as if you were already confident.
In the music business they simply say "Act as if". The idea being that to be big you must first think big!
These three tips are a great start. If you want to know more, then I can email you  some free ebooks to give you a more in-depth look at personal development. Just fill in the box in the top right of the page.

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